What Is Leadership Really About?
Wayne, it’s just about being nice.
No Wayne, it’s just about being reliable.
Actually Wayne, it’s just about being straightforward.
This is advice I have received from well-meaning senior executives. Techniques to win people over. Strategies to better engage your team.
How about it’s just about being authentic? Being the real you.
In my view, leadership is about being real, being clear about why you are in leadership and bringing a real sense of purpose to those you influence.
I am passionate about these leadership conversations!
Why not contribute to the leadership conversation at our next Leaders In Action breakfasts?
And for a powerful leadership discovery, join us at the next LeadershipNow workshop at Cape Liptrap. The outdoor challenges that I throw at the group lead to valuable animated conversations about what worked and what did not work, what inspired and inspiring leadership might be. They complement the theory elements of the program and contribute to triggering changes in leadership behaviours and outcomes.
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