Ho’oponopono is a simple yet profound forgiveness practice from the Hawaiian culture. It provides immediate benefits in both people’s personal and business life.
I was working with a mining company a few years back and it was clear there was a dysfunctional relationship between 2 key executives in the Leadership team. This was confirmed through our “How Others See me” profiling. This toxic relationship was nearly 10 years old and having a massive impact on the team’s productivity.
How The Bridgeworks Process Helps
“Forgiveness” is a key measure in Bridgeworks’ Team Health check.
The Bridgeworks process created a ‘safe’ place to uncover the issue when debriefing one of the team challenges.
Both managers walked to the front of the group united and said “we would like to acknowledge that the dysfunction in this team, comes from the dysfunction of our relationship. We are sorry and want to fix this” They shook hands as a mark of reconciliation. Getting along depends about 98% on our own behaviour.
What does Ho’oponopono mean? Ho’oponopono means, “I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.” Forgiveness in highly ego driven business is a rare quality. My experience is that the best businesses seem to embrace ho’oponopono.
Why is Ho’oponopono powerful?
Throughout human history we have been divided by distance, language, cultural and religious beliefs, class and economic hierarchy. Whenever someone comes up with a perspective there seems to always be someone else there with an opposing opinion.
To me the power of Ho’oponopono comes, in large part, from the fact that it’s a really rare thing for the vast majority of humanity to be in agreement about anything. Overcome this – you and your business will shine.
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