Many organisations have managers and groups operating as individual people with their own objectives often interfering with the corporate goals and vision. What we need are INSPIRING LEADERS and EFFECTIVE TEAMS, supported by an ENGAGED CULTURE! And that is what Bridgeworks is about! Do you have that magical performance triangle?
Delivering Learning Experiences That Lift Performance
Because we believe a company is only as good as its people, we help companies become more competitive and improve corporate profitability by focusing on what matters most – people!
At Bridgeworks we deliver powerful experiential learning experiences. We also extend their practical effectiveness by providing customised individual and team support. Our programs build people skills and “emotional intelligence” that apply to both their professional and personal lives, freeing them from any current limitation to grow.
Our approach is practical, common-sense and validated.
Our experience shows that people learn more when they are engaged and having fun. So we combine practical outdoor exercises and theory.
Our programs cultivate a climate of honesty, trust, respect and personal responsibility.
Because we believe in measuring everything we do, we use Australian researched feedback systems delivering actionable qualitative and quantitative feedback.
How well you communicate, and how well you connect with others are critical to your effectiveness. Thus Bridgeworks uses a unique set of “Mirrors” on “How You See Yourself” compared to “How Others See You”…, perception vs. reality.
We can separate your leadership from your management effectiveness, a key difference often not recognised.
Ready to know more? Let’s talk
3 Typical Examples Of Challenges We Solve
- Building a united culture in corporate restructures, mergers and acquisitions
- Eliminating dysfunction in leaders’ and teams’ practices
- Lifting sales people’s results and enabling them to build stronger relationships with their clients
Team Effectiveness, Inspiring Leadership & Engaging Culture Programs
In addition to our client-specific workshops and coaching/ mentoring support, we run residential workshops open to participants of all organisations and businesses from all industries, roles and organisation growth cycle. We also run special programs applying the same principles to facilitating profitable business growth.
We work with you and all participants to ensure that programs are integrated with your business strategy and action plans. They are a great way to kick start change and embed an engaging culture into everyday life.
6 starting points:
Team Power
A workshop that where team members discover how they can turn their teams from dysfunctional to high-performance teams. It kick-starts significant performance changes.
An exclusive three-day leadership experience where leaders like you explore their leadership capabilities. and discover how they can lift their effectiveness as inspiring leaders and bring out the best in themselves and everyone around them.
Winning Franchise Builder
A special application program designed for franchise owners & managers who are keen to help their people get the best out of themselves and share your passion for to take the franchise to the next level.
Conference: Talk to us about your conference, Bridgeworks will make your conference “come to life”, sharing motivating and valuable learning around working smarter together.
Relationship Selling
Designed to turbo-charge your team selling abilities by building trust based relationships
2-hour Introductory Workshop
Know yourself / Influencing leadership / winning with people diversity
Curious? Let’s talk
Wayne’s 5 Beliefs About Successful People
All our effective leaders and teams programs are underpinned by these firm beliefs about successful people. An engaging organisation culture retains these successful people, enabling them to flourish and extend the success of the organisation.
They are self-motivated
Successful People have a passion for what they do!
Their meaningful goals inspire them to succeed again and again.
Their self-esteem is high
Successful People believe that they deserve to succeed.
At the same time they confidently give added-value, and they win by helping others to win.
They know themselves
Successful People are aware of how their needs, values and attitudes affect their behaviour.
Equally, Successful People are aware of their impact on other people.
Are self directed
Successful People know that the choices they make determine their success.
Because they take responsibility, they don’t make excuses or blame others.
And they believe in people
Importantly Successful People recognise that they can achieve more as a team than they can as an individual.
Applying The Power Of Experiential Learning
Wayne moved from teaching into the unchartered waters of ‘Outward Bound Australia’. Over a 6 year period of leading expeditions and managing programs Australia-wide, Wayne created many initiatives in developing people’s potential through unique experiential (learning by doing) programs.
International recognition led to a 12 month contract in the USA. For over 12 years now Wayne has been applying these initiatives and principles to help corporate leadership teams lift the performance of their organisation. His clients value his experience and ability to help people embrace new leadership and teamwork practices.